Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my crochet pattern?

The crochet patterns are sent automatically after payment. You will receive an email message with the download link. Click here and the crochet pattern will open automatically (PDF file). You need the Acrobat Reader program to open the file. Click here to download the software.

I ordered and paid for a crochet pattern, but I did not receive an email. What now?

Crochet patterns are automatically sent to the e-mail address entered during the ordering process. It is therefore important that the e-mail address is entered correctly. Check this carefully! It is also possible that the email ended up in the spam box (junk email).

As a shopkeeper/retailer, can I sell MyKrissieDolls books in my store?

For the sale of my books (with the exception of the book My cuddly toys from sock wool) you can contact me.

I bought the wrong crochet pattern, can I exchange it?

Purchased crochet patterns are automatically sent to the specified e-mail address after payment. Since the crochet pattern is received immediately, crochet patterns cannot be exchanged after payment.

Can I sell my crocheted cuddly toys?

The cuddly toys that are made based on the crochet patterns of MyKrissieDolls may be sold (in small quantities of no more than 10 copies) under the condition that the following text is mentioned when selling the cuddly toy(s):

"This cuddly toy is made after a design and pattern by MyKrissieDolls - Kristel Droog-Dekkers (

Copyright and Copyrights
All MyKrissieDolls crochet patterns (including the free crochet patterns), step-by-step instructions and photos are copyrighted and may not be used for commercial purposes. The crochet patterns may not be shared, translated, copied, published and/or sold. Publication of the crochet patterns on the internet or elsewhere is also not permitted. The patterns are for personal use only. Purchasing a MyKrissieDolls crochet pattern does not expire copyright.